用美味 爱世界
March 14th, 2024
Good Food, Good Time, Good Causes
3月14日周四 在维也纳的你,
chuanmener所支持的ChariTable Vienna 是一个纯志愿者组成的慈善捐款体验组织。自2022年成立以来,我们已成功举办了两次慈善晚宴和会后派对。我们致力于用城中美食链接所有具有共同理念和热忱的人们,一起创造一个为慈善组织募捐的轻松而独特的体验:
我们与维也纳城中精选的餐厅合作,包括的Fabios, II Mare, Kias Kitchen, KOMMOD, Casino Wien和 Figlmüller 等。支持活动的餐厅捐出活动当晚至少4-8人的晚宴,包括至少3道经典当家菜肴,并配有 2 种葡萄酒和水。
参与ChariTable Vienna活动的客人提前购买与晚餐大致价值相对应的“门票”,客人支付的费用将直接捐献给SOS 儿童村的 ABCd 教育项目。
3 月 14 日晚,宾客不仅可以在自己预订的餐厅体验美食,餐后更可前往余兴派对相聚。预计将有近 200 名宾客,其中不仅包括餐厅的访客,还包括 ChariTable 的众多赞助商和支持者。我们更有激动人心的募捐抽奖活动,包括Schlumberger香槟、Ioannis Finest高级希腊橄榄油、SPA礼券等诱人奖品。
欢迎和我们一起加入ChariTable Vienna!3月14日晚上与你相见!
Time - Thur, March 14th, 2024
Dinner 6 pm-9 pm (open for arrival from 5:30 pm)
After-party: 9pm onwards
晚餐: 从晚上6点开始(傍晚5:30可以开始入座)
After-Party: 9 pm 开始
Entry Price:
70-90 euros per person. Additional donation is welcomed!
Language 语言:
chuanmener x ChariTable fans only
预订您的餐桌时标注chuanmener,将额外得到一张由chuanmener赞助的ChariTable Vienna After-Party 抽奖劵!
请在报名表里选择Register as Company
并在备注栏里注明 chuanmener
If you recognize yourself as friends of chuanmener to book the ChariTable Vienna table and participate in this event, you will receive one additional After-Party raffle ticket sponsored by chuanmener!
How to participate:
When you register, please select “Register as Company” in the registration form
Please indicate the text “chuanmener” in the remarks field.
You will receive an email from charitable about making the payment to the NGO.
In case of any questions, please write back to us at info@charitbalevienna.com

ChariTable Vienna
“We want to bring people together,
while doing good at the same time.”
ChariTable Vienna is driven by a group of passionate volunteers. We come from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds and are all based in Vienna.
Our aim is to have fun, expand our network, and make a positive impact at the same time.
Do you also speak two or more languages? chuanmener in Chinese means "drop by".
With strong belief that inter-cultural appreciation is the basis for harmony in the world, and foundation for human civil progress forward, chuanmener.world handpick social cultural projects, content, and interdisciplinary folk arts and bring them closer between the west and east.
ChariTable Vienna - Our CONCEPT
Each restaurant donates a table for 4-10 pax,
providing a 3 courses set menu plus 2 wine pairings and water.
每家参与活动的维也纳餐厅会捐赠一张4-10人的餐桌,并提供至少3 道菜的本店经典菜式及 2 种葡萄酒搭配和水。

Each table will be booked jointly by a group of guests or a company
Tickets will range from 65-200 Euros per pax.
每桌将由客人个人或公司共同预订,价格根据餐厅档次不同为每人 65 至 200 欧元不等。该费用将由客人定向转账给本次资助的慈善组织。2024年的募捐费用将投入SOS-Kindersdorf的

All guests are invited to the after-party at a special location, including a tombola
所有客人都被邀请参加在一个特殊地点举行的After-party 余兴派对,其中包括募捐抽奖活动。.
SOS-Kinderdorf Österreich
ChariTable Vienna很荣幸地宣布,奥地利SOS儿童村将成为我们2024年3月活动的非营利组织合作伙伴。欢迎和我们一起,共同支持奥地利未来一代的成长!
Our NGO Partner: SOS-Kinderdorf Österreich
ChariTable Vienna is honored to announce SOS-Kinderdorf Österreich as the NGO Partner in our 2024 March event.
Welcome to join us and empower our future generations in Austria!